This is a command line utility that prints a "Maths Quote of the Day" on the user's terminal when run.
User's types "java MathQuoteOFDay" on the command line
System prints out a quote.
import java.util.*;
public class MathsQuoteOFDay
public static void main(String[] args)
Quotes qts = new Quotes();
int n = (int)(Math.random()*10);
class Quotes
public String getQuote(int n)
return (quotes[n]);
private static String quotes[]={"I like mathematics because it is not human and has nothing particular to do with this planet or with the whole accidental universe - because like Spinoza's God, it won't love us in return. ~Bertrand Russell",
"If there is a God, he's a great mathematician. ~Paul Dirac",
"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater. ~Albert Einstein",
"There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied mathematics. ~ Aristotle",
"Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper. ~ David Hilbert",
"Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics~ Dean Schlicter",
" Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. ~ Simeon Poisson",
"In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. ~ Johann von Neumann",
" Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad and theology makes them sinful. ~ Martin Luther",
"A man whose mind has gone astray should study mathematics. ~ Francis Bacon"};
User's types "java MathQuoteOFDay" on the command line
System prints out a quote.
import java.util.*;
public class MathsQuoteOFDay
public static void main(String[] args)
Quotes qts = new Quotes();
int n = (int)(Math.random()*10);
class Quotes
public String getQuote(int n)
return (quotes[n]);
private static String quotes[]={"I like mathematics because it is not human and has nothing particular to do with this planet or with the whole accidental universe - because like Spinoza's God, it won't love us in return. ~Bertrand Russell",
"If there is a God, he's a great mathematician. ~Paul Dirac",
"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater. ~Albert Einstein",
"There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied mathematics. ~ Aristotle",
"Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper. ~ David Hilbert",
"Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics~ Dean Schlicter",
" Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. ~ Simeon Poisson",
"In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. ~ Johann von Neumann",
" Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad and theology makes them sinful. ~ Martin Luther",
"A man whose mind has gone astray should study mathematics. ~ Francis Bacon"};