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GPF Calculator
Calculator for GPF/PPF. This calculator allows you to calculate the closing balance for a given fiscal year.
Note: Contribution done after 15th of every month will not earn interest for the given month.
PPF Calculator
Public Provident Fund is a long-term investment option that comes with a sovereign guarantee. Not just generally higher than FD returns,
the PPF scheme comes power-packed with several benefits for the common man.
The interest on PPF deposits is calculated on a monthly basis but credited to the account at the end of the financial year. The interest get added to the principal and one earns interest on the interest for the coming years! The following calculator allows you to calculate the maturity value for a specified term or for a given financial year.
Assuming one is investing a regular amount monthly ( before 5th of each month). Initial investment corresponds to
the total amount for the last financial year.
For example, if someone has Rs. 250000 in his/her account for the financial year 2021-22 and he/she wants to contribute
Rs. 3000 monthly for the financial year 2022-23 then the total value at the end of FY 2022-23 can be calculated
by entering 250000 in the initial investment, 3000 in the monthly investment, 1 as time period and the exisiting rate.